Monday, April 30, 2012

Do you have will determination?

          What do you think about success, is it easy to achieve it , is it always came with our expectations, is it any experience in our life continue to the final beautiful success , and so on. Why do you think i asks you that questions and why. Before continue reading think about theses answers to know exactly your point of view about success, and imagine the below picture to help you get the right answer.
       Now let's explain the previous questions in more details, as i ask about your will and determination due to its the power and self discipline of any exists success in your life, in your thoughts now i'am sure you ask yourself why. The reason for that is any success you had achieved is resultant of two thing the first is the problems you face during your way to the success, and the second is the successful steps that brings you to see your required destination.If you don't have a strong will and determination , the faced problems will have large portions of your think than trying to do any successful step to reach to the required success. 

       Now you have to review your previous successful to assure that the good and strong will and destination plays a good rule to any of your upcoming success , you can assure that by reviewing any previous successful experience.So, don't miss to charge yourself with not only strong will but also good determinations also.

                                                         To know more about that continue reading and you will discover your destinations about the good ways to generate strong will and good destinations.To be continued later thanks a lot dearly for your interest. 


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Do you know that the success needs sample thing to achieve it

       After we had mentioned before that the success needs to know each parameter, One of the most common idea is how to achieve the stated steps or the required results, or any thing you want to reach to take the feelings of success or in other words to be satisfied on yourself imagine the below picture, and before continuing reading take your notes about it,,

        So, i think now you know what i mean by the previous pictures . This pictures is simply describes that if you have a problem or task you must after you planned its requirements , you should mentioned a set to steps to reach it , like if you want to cook a cake you must know its ingredients and the steps of applying this  on each other , so you have at the final a delicious cake. If you try at any faced challenge to divide it into steps and theses steps into another steps, so this challenge at the end become a normal thing to do, due to you know its requirements, and also its required steps to achieve it .

         So, i hope from you my lovely and ambitious friend to do now is to collect all your current challenges or by your definitions tasks and indicate the required final results from this task , and the required steps to reach this results , after that promise you will be more relax with your life than ever , and later you will see more details about this important topic. So always have you life to be easy and not complicated .

                                                                           To be continued later don't miss your chance to know more,thanks a lot for your interest. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

let's begin new thing after we mentioned that your success is based on your previous experience

       Exploits it to be a good things for you or not, so let's go deeper of the success, tell you that what's your results depends only your ways to do it and that reveals that to do any thing you must go on a certain road to reach it other wise you won't. So to do any thing you must know the way to achieve it, the requirement for example if it need more time , is it needs large knowledge,is needs to learn a certain skill like leadership if you want to success to reach a position like manager,,, and so on. So try to be clear with yourself about any of  upcoming challenges to be able to the capabilities to achieve it successfully , please the below picture ,,,
reach success

         From my point of view this picture describes how to connect the previous experience to solve any instant problem due to the person in the past is the same in the future except that the person itself  by having the ability to exploits the methods that is gives the success, and from my experience for anyone is how you'll be able to know the requirements for any upcoming experiment.  

          So if you know the problem you can easy solve 
 it,  so if you know your experiment steps you can easy 
achieve as you mentioned your steps correctly,i promise 
you desired  success,i promise you.Try to attempt it and 
 you'll find  fantastic   results


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Let's start my friend our journey to achieve the success ,

             Achieving the success is mainly depends on you , and the tendency of you to accept the life as it, and its mainly depends on your view about yourself  to reach it or not , your own ability to change your bad thoughts about your failing activities, and the ability to change it to good things.

Is success and achievement is related to each other ,the answer of that is you can see always your success is depends on how to see the final results of your achievement is it occurred with as you expect or not, is it reflects your thoughts, try to imagine any activity you have done and find the relations between your requirement of this activity and the final results of this activity, and i'am sure you will ...

       Its not a secret , but it depends on your right and wrong at any activity and how to change these  defaults to a things that helps you to have a lot of experience about how to deal correctly with your upcoming events to achieve a better progress ,,,
    So, what is i want to notify you that the success achievement is mainly depends on correcting the wrong previous wrong things that is resist your achievement at any activity, and so on try to be happy at every time your discover a failure at any attempt , due to that is leads to success at the upcoming events , and that not occur if you avoid the previous defaults that is avoid your expecting success,
                                            Try to learn from your previous topics at life to discover  any problems at the upcoming life to avoid it.
                                                                             To be continued later thanks a lot for your interest. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Changing your life is mainly depends on many steps

        As we mentioned before the success is getting by chance, but before we mention the this steps in details you must know that the success is considered like an idea if you thought of it so you can do it, if so you  dream it you can easy do it , so that you must have  positive thinking for success, so you can easy find your happiness in your life, imagine your self from one at the below picture, what's your feelings , try it for 10 minute and ,i'am sure your current condition will change completely.

Fantastic moment is it,

    let's begin our journey by stating the main ideas of success , but at first what's meaning by the word success  can be stated by your balance in all aspects in your life , due to everyone must have the key of success in every aspect of life , the main aspect of your life that you must have a success or balance in it is,
1) Spiritual Side
 Are you satisfy with your relation with your GOD, do i make good things all the year,,,, etc.
2)Personal Side
Do i have good relation with my partner , with my kids,do i take vacations, do i read continuously ,,,,,,etc.
3)Vocational Side
Is i am pleased with my current job, do i have plane for improving my job development,,, etc.
4)Financial Side
your earning , your budget is it good , do you have a plane to improve your private investment,,,,etc.
5) Health Side 
what's the condition of my health is it good or not, do i smoke,do i have plane for improving my health,,,etc.

   And now you have the main aspect to move about your life the reason of that is estimate how you are success in one aspect of your life ,so tht you can success in the other aspect, if you want to be successful you must examine your self to know these aspects correctly , so that you can fix any problem in your own aspects.
 Now take a large breath, rise your shoulders, head , and tell yourself from inside to outside your are a positive person . i can improve myself , i can success.

                                                 To be continued later follow me ,and you will find your missing concepts about success, have a nice time, with your lovely people.