Monday, January 7, 2013

Are you try to think positively

     One of the missing criteria in our life is miss understanding of how to be always in positive mode with all life pressures and challenges.First see this video and then continue reading.
Positive Thinking Courage

            Now i'am sure you have a good well determination, and total view about what you will have if you stay positive in any time.Let's ask you some questions, you must answer all of them wisely to discover yourself whether you think positively or not. Did you face any challenge before and overcome it, did you face catastrophic before and exercised your life without sorrow or fail, are you dealing with your public relation normally or having a problems with dealing with some people, are you consider any fail as an experience or not,,,etc.  
   So, let's show the benefits of having positive thinking:
1)It is a source of power due to it helps you to solve any facing problems or challenges.
2)It's also a source of freedom because it makes you free from pain and difficulties that is caused by restrictions of having daily negative thoughts .                                                                                                              
    This your own selection to take the benefits of having positive thinking mode or not.So, to be convinced to have the positive thinking mode in your life , you must know the characteristics of the positive thinking character.So, let's know them know: 
1) Always have a good relation with our GOD and believes of having a solution for any challenge or problem just instantly by asking our GOD for help.
 2) Have a good high values
The successful character always lives with high values whatever any challenge or daily problems.
3) Have a clear vision
The successful character always have a clear goals for future, and always planning for small, intermediate, and long goals .
4)Concentrate on solutions when facing any challenge
The successful character knows that any think you concentrate on it will cancel any other things to be able to achieve it that derived from the law of concentration .So, try to concentrate on how you can solve the problem rather than the problem itself.
5)Benefit from challenges and difficulties to improve his or her life style
The positive character not only concentrate on solution but also on how to benefit from the previous experience to plan the upcoming life.
6)Any current problems and upcoming challenges can not affect his or her life balance such the spiritual, medical, social , financial ,and personal side .
7)Have a good confidence for achieving his or her own goals and defensing for achieving them
The successful character accepts any unexpected modification to be able reach his or her own goals .
8)Lives with hope and struggle, and patience 
In order to achieve goals ,every successful character must have these characteristics .
9)Social and love helping other
Positive people always have the intention to help anyone without waiting any revenue.

    Now you have to examine the motive yourself by imagining how you can get if you have these characteristics.This is the first step to be a good and well positive character, and consequently positive life.Just modify your life style to see the results and modifications in your daily life.

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